School, and my mind kept repeating the, winter break off really fast, ablink of an eye on the school. Although I do not want to see my dear teachers and students want more Wanji Tian.
The day before school, I put the tabloid to run the table in my room, if put bags inside, I am afraid crush.
The next day up, I rush to bed, eating breakfast in preparation for endorsement package. In my heart, take a tabloid' s name has been polished clean of. I did remember.
I am carrying a school bag, opened the door, walk in the way to school. Go half-way, my mind flashed the words, the tabloid did not bring.
Extreme fear of my heart, as if the sky is falling like. I have no alternative but to bite the bullet and go back.
Tabloid gone, I have asthma, but up. Go to school, I immediately rush to the second floor, ran to the classroom. 1 Jinjiao Shi, everyone starts reading the book, I was rushed to a seat on the side while breathing come up with books, began reading.
Ah!This is the first day of school, and the most thrilling day!